Tile Slide

In Tile Slide, you will face 5 levels of sliding puzzles, a type of enigma where you have to move tiles in a 2d environment, in order to move one them to a specific position. If you find this familiar, is because is inspired by this kind of enigma in the Professor Layton series by Level5, where is widely represented, mostly towards the end of the game: this is because of their nature of simple yet difficult puzzle, where the solution may be either obvious or not. This makes for a really interesting puzzle that can really challenge, and satisfy when completed, your mind. In this map, you will find 5 of these puzzle, even if less complicated than the original: often you won't need to move that much some tiles, making for a more straightforward and simple enigma that won't take too much time. However, the challenge can be still difficult if you don't reason properly: in this puzzles, the right approach can quickly lead to the solution, as the wrong strategy can lead you to madness and a lot of wasted time (true story...). If you need some guidance, be sure to watch the this video: it will explain in a visual way how to play, as well as explaining how I managed to make it happen. If you want to be sure to play the latest version, check my Twitter: I will let everybody know if a new version is available :) I hope you will enjoy!!
If you post the map on YouTube, put this link as the first one in the description and be sure to mention the name of the original creator PmkExpert; if you want more maps or you need help, be sure to check my:
2016-06-08 - Map Released. |