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Sneak The Shrieker

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Well, you're trapped in an underground prison, and the only way is to sneak your way pass those Sculk Shriekers that would alert the wardens. Could you take on the challenge?

1. Stay in adventure mode
2. Do not break nor place blocks
3. Do not use commands
4. Have fun!

Escape the prison with the most lives left. If you ran out of lives, or the time ran out, the game'd be over! Each time you make a noise, your strike'd go down, and when it hits 0, the wardens start spawning. Along the way, collect the loots which will help you in your run.
- Render Distance 8+ Chunks (8-16 Works Best)
- Gamemode Adventure
- Command Blocks Enabled (For Multiplayer)

- Escape the prison in Extreme Mode
- Escape with at least 3 lives left.
- Escape the prison with 5 wardens following you

YouTube: ItsPungpond98
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Discord Community: Club 98

Map Made By Your Lovely,



2023-11-03 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: ItsPungpond98
(15 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.20
File Size: 4.9 MB
Date Added: 2023-11-03
Downloads: 2,880
Map Category: Parkour Maps

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