WELCOME TO VILLA LLAMA This map is a small city that me and my friends have built during our spare time and this upload only serves to receive some feedback, opinions and ideas that we can add to our list (creative block). If you guys have a specific block palette or some creative new *possible* buildings to construct then we will highly take that into our considerations. But besides that, all in all, we just want to showcase to the public this little build that we have done. While it may not be the best, we hope to inspire some others to dabble into a little bit of creative building and chilling instead of the hardcore fighting and surviving that is minecraft. As this is our little side project, no consistent updates will be promised but the world will never be forgotten :)
- Play in creative mode with your own suitable settings as this ain`t an adventure map
- Play in 1.19.x as certain blocks used may not load in older versions
- Faithful 32x or higher texture pack recommended but whatever else should seem fine

2022-08-07 - Map Released.