Players have several minutes in creative mode to prep for battle before they are switched into survival mode to fight to the death.
- Designed For Multiplayer - play with 2-6 players.
- Customize Your Games - choose settings that work for you.
- Optional Team Mode - play in teams in games with 4 or more players.
- Quick Reset System - you can quickly load games with the previous game's settings.
- Five Different Arenas - each arena has a unique theme and lots of battle space.
- Three Different Gamemodes - adapt your strategies and flex your skills.
- Classic - a regular game of Last Player Standing. No fancy bells and whistles.
- End of the World - the worldborder slowly shrinks, pushing players to the center of the arena.
- Inundation - blinding water slowly fills the arena, forcing players upwards.

2022-04-02 - Map Released.