Winding Lanes

I Highly Recommend You Read This Description. See, this map has a rather cruel villain, and you'll need everything you can get to survive. This is no ordinary villain, seeking destruction intentionally, or even talking at all. No, this villain is my awful map-making skills from 2 years ago. This is a more polished version of the first map I published, restructured with the intent of easing the pain of anyone who plays it. The basic premise of the map is that there is one giant maze, with portals to separate mazes within it. One must complete the first maze before being able to travel through the first door, beyond which is the second maze, which one must complete before traveling through the second door, and so on and so forth. There are 12 mazes in total, not including the hub maze (dubbed "seizure subway" by my friend because of its awful color scheme), and they increase in difficulty as the map goes on. For the sake of convenience, I have added buttons which teleport you to the gateways for each maze, which you can unlock as soon as you complete that level. These may not seem that handy early on, but rest assured they become helpful towards the later stages of the map. Speaking of helpful stuff, I suppose it's about time to give you some tips on how to survive this map, from both a map-creator and a map-solver's standpoint!
In terms of rules, all you need to do is set render distance to 20+, set particles to minimal, and graphics to fast. Also, if you're recording, please link the map in the description! Oh, and don't cheat (unless you need to!) I wish you the absolute best of luck in making your way through these Winding Lanes!
2021-03-28 - Map Released. |
Map Creator: | DeuxiemeCarlin |
Rating: | |
Map Version: | v1.0 |
Minecraft Version: | 1.16.5 |
File Size: | 40.9 MB |
Date Added: | 2021-03-28 |
Downloads: | 6,676 |
Map Category: | Maze Maps |