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What is the Easter Egg

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Made for CaptainSparklez!

"What is the Easter Egg" is a trivia/educational puzzle map for Minecraft 1.13.2 where you are presented with a set of four options and, in most cases, you have to guess which one is the Easter egg. This is done by clicking the button in front of the option that you think is correct.

The other type of question is choosing which one of the four isn't related to an Easter egg, unlike the other three which are.

DISCLAIMER: Not all stages probably implement officially recognized Easter eggs, so some may be considered a stretch and that's fair on your side (this was to create a long enough map).

Thank you for your time, hope you enjoy my map and thanks for playing!

Also, good luck (you're going to need it...) and have fun!

Obligatory P.S. Gold has an animation and End Portal Frame, Sea Lanterns and Glowstone are transparent (you know it, Jardoneesibus).


  • A "YouTubers who have played the map" section (send me the link to your video if you want your player head to be included in case I don't find it first)!
  • A custom-made "Shameless self-promotion" sign for CaptainSparklez!
  • A TUTORIAL stage (0th stage) at the beginning of the map!
  • 30 challenging QUESTIONS involving blocks, items, mobs, entities and more!
  • An EXPLANATION sign after each room as to why the answer is correct (make sure to click on it and read it after each level!)!
  • VISUAL representation of possibly confusing Easter eggs (in form of custom painting textures)!
  • A rather revealing HINT sign in every room (don't be guilty of using each and every one of them)!
  • NO DEATH penalty, teleporting or a scoreboard system that counts failures/used hints!
  • A completely STRAIGHTFORWARD concept (without side distractions to keep track of to refer to later in the map)!
  • The three points above assure compensation for the concept being much more difficult than one found in the other "Which doesn't belong" type maps (as the Easter eggs have very little to do with game logic and personal experience, deductive reasoning won't help you much in being successful, so have the understanding and don't be mad or blame me for your possible lack of knowledge of Easter eggs on some levels, please)!


  • Play in 1.13.2 (Although not tested, any 1.13 version should work just fine)!
  • Play in set game mode (Adventure Mode, sign to switch to Spectator available at the end of the map)!
  • Play in set difficulty (Easy)!
  • Play in recommended Brightness settings (Bright)!
  • Don't cheat (or at least try not to)!


  • It should work on multiplayer but wasn't tested for it and I cannot guarantee that you won't experience issues that do not occur in singleplayer (feel free to make X33N suffer along with you Cap, that was enjoyable content).
  • Estimated play time: 20-40 minutes.
  • If you're annoyed by the Phantom's wings flapping noise in level 18, you're welcome to turn the Hostile Creatures volume to OFF, as this is a known bug where some entities ignore the Silent:1 tag when summoned.
  • The map was being made on afternoons and evenings of 6 consecutive days (~85 hours to make since the initial idea to being uploaded here) + a few extra hours updating to v1.1.
  • I'm sorry for any mistakes or glitches as this is my first map - this is why I'm asking you to please send me feedback and criticize it after you're done with the map because I'm willing to improve!
  • Inform me if you'd like me to make a sequel; if so, give me suggestions!



2019-04-08 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Chickeyy
(30 votes)
Map Version: v1.2
Minecraft Version: 1.13.2
File Size: 5.3 MB
Date Added: 2019-04-08
Downloads: 2,857
Map Category: Trivia Maps

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