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The Tower of Butter

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Map Info:
This vanilla map uses, at the beginning, a fairly complicated maze which leads to the main parkour area. the parkour are itself is quite unique as there is only one way to reach the top from the many ways that are given. 

This map can be played on both Singleplayer and Multiplayer and i recommend the latter as it is more fun.  It is important to play it in Survival mode and on Peaceful as that was how it was meant to be played however this is a choice of the players. The rules of the map are given in game and there are three checkpoints available.

Please comment after you have played it as this is my first attempt at making a map and any criticism is welcomed. If you liked it don't forget to share it with others and tell your friends. If you are making a youtube video have fun and thank you for playing. Good Luck to you all and have Fun.


2013-05-08 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: traicerbg
(6 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.5.2
File Size: 331 KB
Date Added: 2013-05-08
Downloads: 45,383
Map Category: Parkour Maps

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