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YouTuber Parkour

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Map Info:
Youtuber’s parkour is a parkour map featuring … you guessed it, youtubers! In youtuber’s parkour, each youtuber has their own parkour course for you to complete. At the end of each course, there’s the youtubers head! You can place the youtubers head on the designated pedestal at the beginning of the map. To finish the map, you will need to finish all 10 youtuber’s courses.

This map is multiplayer compatible. BUT, if you must play with a friend, you probably want to know some things. The buttons in the teleportation room teleport ALL players. The ‘Go Back” buttons at the start of each course teleport only the player that pressed it. The checkpoints set spawn for ALL players, and the “Go Back” buttons at the end of each stage teleport ALL players.

As a warning, some of the courses are very difficult. THEY ARE ALL TESTED AND POSSIBLE. They may seem impossible at times, but they are all possible. This is version 1.2 of the map, so any jumps that were impossible were fixed.

(Update: you now spawn in adventure mode, as you should.)


2015-11-21 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Hyugyio
(109 votes)
Map Version: v1.2
Minecraft Version: 1.8.8
File Size: 605 KB
Date Added: 2015-11-21
Downloads: 63,275
Map Category: Parkour Maps

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