Rubloks Cube Survival

Important: This map uses an link for the download. Just wait 5 seconds and click "Skip Ad" in the top-right corner to proceed to the map's download page. By using this link, you will directly support the map creator. Rubloks Cube SurvivalInspired by the challenging puzzle toy, the Rubik's Cube, this map offers you a unique experience, but with only one challenge.
Seems easy right? WRONG. Don't believe me? See it for yourself. Rules and Info -Each cube has it's own unique block to place in the monument -The monument is located in the center cube -As you go lower into the cube, the environment becomes more dangerous -Play on anything but peaceful -Bring friends, it's always more fun! -If you make a video, please tell me in the comments, I'd love to watch!
2015-07-11 - Map Released. |
Map Creator: | ChipSquad |
Rating: | |
Map Version: | v1.0 |
Minecraft Version: | 1.8 |
File Size: | 332 KB |
Date Added: | 2015-07-11 |
Downloads: | 131,050 |
Map Category: | Survival Maps |