Save The Golem!

Important: This map uses an link for the download. Just wait 5 seconds and click "Skip Ad" in the top-right corner to proceed to the map's download page. By using this link, you will directly support the map creator. Map Info: That's easier said than done! Unlike my other maps, this map was designed for multiple players! The maze is big enough to fit all your friends, so make sure to bring them along! Note: If you're playing on a server, make sure to set the world difficulty to peaceful and enable command blocks. You also need to be on 1.8.7! Map by: JayMineCrafton
2015-06-14 - Map Released. |
Map Creator: | JayMineCrafton |
Rating: | |
Map Version: | v1.0 |
Minecraft Version: | 1.8.7 |
File Size: | 526 KB |
Date Added: | 2015-06-14 |
Downloads: | 9,385 |
Map Category: | Maze Maps |