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Dungeon Arena II

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Map Info:
Progress though a series of themed mob dungeons. Kill mobs to earn gems and experience. Use gems to unlock dungeons, buy powerful custom items, and purchase unique perks. Select a class to fight with. Each class has its own strengths, weaknesses, and custom items. Upgrade your class using experience levels. The higher level classes are stronger.

The dungeons are wave based, spawn the waves using the button in the dungeon. Complete all the waves to earn bonus gems and experience. Harder dungeons have more waves, more mobs, and stronger foes, but yield greater rewards. Survive the horde of powerful monsters and beat the final dungeon to win. When you die you do not lose your items, but a small penalty will be applied. The mobs will not despawn from the dungeons, so you will have to defeat them all.

To unlock the final bonus dungeon you must beat the survival arena. To beat the survival arena stay alive in the arena for 20 minutes. Zombies will contiually spawn. Every minute the Zombies in the arena will become stronger. If you want to win, make sure you come prepared with lots of armor, weapons, and food. The survival arena is a great place to farm gems and experience. If you die in the survival arena you will be sent back to the base and the arena will be reset. If playing multiplayer, as long as there is one player alive in the arena, other players may join the arena for the cost of 75 gems. The arena will reset once there are no players alive in the arena.

If you find a dungeon to be too difficult, try farming in an easier dungeon, leveling up your class, or getting better gear; perks will also help you beat harder dungeons. The perks are very helpful. Once a perk is purchased it will be given to all players immediately. There are 4 difficulties that can be selected in the game options room.

Other Info:
Please feel free to make videos of this map. I enjoy watching them and they help me find and fix bugs. If you spot a bug, please report it in the comments below. Feel free to share this map with your friends, but please do not redistribute. To share this map please link to this map page directly. Thanks.

This map is multiplayer friendly, just make sure you enable command blocks in the server settings. Sadly PVP can not be turned off in the map; you might be able to turn PVP off in the server settings, but I don't know if it will work. So be careful when playing with friends. No mods are required, the game is run by redstone and command blocks.

Make sure to read the in-game instructions for rules and other gameplay information. Also make sure you play using Minecraft version 1.7. This map has not been tested in Minecraft version 1.8 and many bugs may arise. There are known bugs if playing this map with Minecraft version 1.8. I will update this map to be 1.8 compatible once the 1.8 prerelease comes out.

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2014-05-16 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: NateT_Bird
(117 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.7
File Size: 1.86 MB
Date Added: 2014-05-16
Downloads: 108,578
Map Category: PvE Maps

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