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Speedrun Mayhem

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Four teams will compete and race to beat Minecraft as fast as possible! All four teams will have their own identical overworld-nether which has everything they need to beat Minecraft, however, all teams share an end island. In total, there are 7 custom unique maps for players to explore and obtain what they need, each map comes equipped with its unique advantages and disadvantages. The map includes custom modifiers and catered loot chests to mix up the gameplay.You can play the map alone, compete with friends, or work together to beat the game as best as you can. Try your hardest to get the fastest possible time on each map!Specifics

  • Version: 1.21+
  • Resource Pack: Not Required
  • Mods: Not Required
  • Command Blocks: Enabled
  • Data Packs: Enabled
  • Render Distance: >10
  • Java Edition Only



2024-08-07 - Map Released.


- Retouched the lobby build
- Backend culling to reduce lag
- Replaced several of the lobby holograms with text displays
- Adjusted the lobby barriers
- Adjusted the starting countdown to be correct
- Dragon HP now scales with the number of players
- Added an in-game tutorial for the map that plays before the map starts
- Added a trigger to allow players to leave the game and restart
- Added a toggle to allow players to play with scaled dragon hp or default hp
- Added a toggle to allow players to enable/disable friendly fire and end crystal explosion damage
- Added a random tip message to let players know how to communicate secretly with their team
- Added a failsafe to prevent players from using pearls to warp after the game ends
- Gameplay adjustments based on player feedback have been implemented
- Added a failsafe to ensure players spawn properly in the lobby and in the correct gamemode
- Redid the structure block system to ensure that it will work on realms
- Reinforced transitional areas to prevent clipping
- Piglin bartering rates have been fixed and adjusted to be closer to default mc
- Added player HP below the player name
- Forced all required particles to be displayed even with minimal particle settings

Map Details

Map Creator: craftdiamonds
(28 votes)
Map Version: v1.4
Minecraft Version: 1.21.1
File Size: 162 MB
Date Added: 2024-08-07
Downloads: 1,377
Map Category: Game Maps

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