Just a massive map that shows all of the Legend of Zelda in Minecraft!
This includes all the secrets uncovered, as well as every single dungeon having a teleportation button.
If you wanna watch how this project came together check out my shorts on the project: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxTMS4HzVng2EMqG2QegXqG4vMGRrvNws
Map location: -10 -58 65
- Level 1 = 55 -59 -744
- Level 2 = 1335 -59 -747
- Level 3 = -696 -59 -39
- Level 4 = -436 -59 -568
- Level 5 = 1080 -59 -1237
- Level 6 = -1215 -59 -922
- Level 7 = -1239 -59 -549
- Level 8 = 1639 -59 -246
- Level 9 = -488 -59 -1242
2024-02-04 - Map Released.