The Monster Hunter
In a world where Humans and Ghosts once coexisted in harmony, the balance was shattered with the arrival of the Monster King. As chaos ensued and monstrous creatures roamed unchecked, you joined forces with a ghost named Mabel to hunt down the Monster King and bring an end to his tyranny. Embark on a daring quest to an island plagued by monstrous creatures, responding to a distress call from a citizen. As the renowned Monster Hunter, you set sail to the mysterious island alongside your loyal healing ghost, Mabel, ready to face the unknown.
^^ But please only do that if the resourcepack is NOT included automatically (Which it usually always is!) Optifine does'nt HAVE to be installed, but it's recommended! Map is for 1.20.0 (could work for versions above, but I don't know) Rules are in the lobby under the "Rules" Button! (And please, do read the rules before you write comments) Also: This map wasnt really inspired by anything.. I just had the idea in mind and said "Yep, I'll make that"
2023-06-29 - Map Released. v1.1
Map Creator: | Henry |
Rating: | |
Map Version: | v1.1 |
Minecraft Version: | 1.20 |
File Size: | 309.34 MB |
Date Added: | 2023-06-29 |
Downloads: | 6,876 |
Map Category: | Adventure Maps |