Hello, Minecrafters! Imagine you're on a road trip to somewhere you've never been before. With the guidance of Google Maps, you go through the roads with nothing to worry about. Unluckily, Google Maps led you to an unfinished highway, and there was no way back. What would you do? Rules 1. Stay in adventure mode 2. Do not break nor place blocks 3. Do not use commands 4. Have fun! Objectives Get Through The Unfinished Route As Fast As Possible Settings - Render Distance 8+ Chunks (8-16 Works Best) - Gamemode Adventure - Command Blocks Enabled (For Multiplayer) Challenges Level 1: Don't Get The F Rank Level 2: Finish The Course In 18 Minutes (Get The B Rank) Level 3: Get A+ Rank (Professionals Only) Socials YouTube:ItsPungpond98 Instagram:itspungpond98_ Twitter:ItsPungpond98 Discord: ItsPungpond98 #2471 Discord Community:Club 98 Map Made By Your Lovely, ItsPungpond98
2023-03-12 - Map Released.
v1.1 - 12-03-2023
- Made Minecarts' range a lot smaller - The timer will display the right information