BOUND BY EVIL is my newest, and to this date, most expansive adventure map. Bound by Evil will try to bring back the retro-feeling of good ol' dungeon crawling, exploration and looting. Inspired by ARPG's like Diablo and Path of Exile, Bound by Evil is all about slaying evil monsters and acquiring powerful loot to build YOUR character!
Map is built in a retro-style with 8-bit music, heavy emphasis on exploration and all kinds of mazy and extremely dangerous dungeons all waiting to reward you with insane gear for your efforts!
This is PART I of the full adventure, Acts I-III, the rest of the Acts will be released sometime in the future and will not be separated from Part I, it'll be a full-fletched, massive ARPG in Minecraft!
- Play in up to 3 players (you can play solo or duo too if you want)
- 100+ unique custom mobs
- Hundreds and hundreds of crazy items to find and equip
- Dozens of unique armor sets
- Incredible customization depth - spells, skills on weapons, activatable items and item enchancing accessories
- Items with all kinds of unique properties, such as auras, buffs, stats and more mechanics
- Powerful bosses and enemies with custom attacks
- Custom 3D models for weapons and monsters
- Custom music and sound effects
- Deep gameplay mechanics and events to partake in
- Plenty of side and optional content
- Main storyline with a compelling narrative
- Custom shop and crafting system, scavenge for gold and materials, sell your old gear!
Want to follow this project in more detail, ask questions and talk about it? Come join my server!
Click here to join

2022-06-10 - Map Released.
V1.2 Patch changelog:
Further improvements to gameplay mechanics, balance and bug fixes.This will possibly be the final update for Part I, unless you find any other severe bugs that need fixing. I'll start focusing more on just progressing Part II, rather than fixing Part I, I feel like this state of the map will be good and should feel good to play. Based on player feedback, I've done the following changes:
Changes/Fixes:-Fixed a spot where you could get stuck in Inner Necropolis-Page 3 of Handyman now properly displays the "WIP" message-All monsters that fire spell projectiles now deal their damage properly-GIVE ME EVIL difficulty has been buffed - monsters are now even faster and deal even more damage-Added a new secret SUPER HARDCORE difficulty - "CARRY THAT WEIGHT" - a super unforgiving challenge for the bravest of dungeon crawlers - insanely fast monsters with improved resistance and insane damage (this difficulty can only be accessed through a secret lever in the class selection area) -Reworked items with the "Vigor" aura effect, now it gives a scaling Health Boost effect instead of Regeneration, as Regeneration seemed to be bugged-Spawn zone has been (hopefully) fixed, spawning for the first time should now work just fine for all players (needs further testing)And now for Spells:-Hermes Bow cooldown now works properly-Frozen Shell now also protects you from Projectile spell damage (applies for Arcanist, False Prophet and Eyes of the Archangel attacks) for the duration-Across the board Witch and Ranger spell damage nerfs, specifically:Witch: Lowered damage for Arc, Azure Wand, Last PrismRanger: Lowered damage for Hunter's Promise, Hermes Bow, Hunter's Dead Dream
The first patch for BOUND BY EVIL has been released! Thanks everyone for playing BbE, some of you are enjoying it a lot! So I'm rolling out this first patch to fix some of the biggest issues, however, balance-related issues will be kept for the full release. For Part I, I will focus on game-breaking issues, so everyone has a smooth gameplay experience.
-Azure Cavern encounter with the Frozen Reapers should now work properly -Inner Necropolis encounter with the Impaler should now work properly -The first player who joins the world will now immediately teleport to spawn -Enchanted Golden Apples should now be selling properly -Cobweb burning mechanic was improved so it won't destroy blocks that aren't a cobweb -Message to skip tutorial now works properly -Banner of Command for the Templar has been reworked -Moonlight Trinket now works properly -Chest in the Templar tutorial area is now accessible -Corrected a wrong message about Shaders usage in the lobby area
Planned changes for the full release:
-Scythes and other fast-swinging weapons will get receive a damage nerf -Slow weapons will receive damage buffs -Arenas for High Templar Malek and Judas unique minibosses will receive a teleporter to go back instead of a chat popu