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Finders Keepers!

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Wait? So let me get this straight. This map is a multiplayer find the button but don't those exist already? I mean, like, doesn't every find the button work on multiplayer?

Sure it does, but this one is an actual competition. With up to 4 players playing in DIFFERENT arenas + a scoreboard to keep you up to date on who's the boss, this map was MADE for multiplayer not just to be compatible with it.

So it's more like a find the button mini game then?

Yep! Thats the word I was looking for.




  • Play with up to 4 players
  • 15 different levels
  • 3 different themes
  • Score tracking!
  • Other multiplayer stuff


  • No more than 4 players(unless you want to end up in the same arena and cause some glitches)
  • Gamemode 2
  • No teleporting to other players unless it's completely necessary(fallen out of the map etc.)
  • Have a Find-tastic time! (you better!)
  • Read the in game Rules before starting the map(you have to!)

Other Notes

The teleports in this map CAN be glitchy in multiplayer(mostly on The Sea, Sorry!) as it's hard to teleport multiple people at once to different places, however they should work throughout the entire map. If you do fall out of the map, feel free to teleport or gamemode 1 in.

If you're having a hard time finding/pressing the button note that I have tested all of these and they ARE possible. Just keep trying(you should be glad there's no Shulker Parkour...). If you really can't press it and have gone into complete rage mode, you may use gamemode 1 to press it

DON'T EVER mess with the scoreboard. You could cause SERIOUS and FATAL glitches. Even if it's displaying the wrong score just IGNORE it please.

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2017-08-18 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: CrazyCowMM external
(42 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.12.1
File Size: 8.8 MB
Date Added: 2017-08-18
Downloads: 2,718
Map Category: Finding Maps

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