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WorldEdit Brushes

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Command Info

Hello and welcome to another creation. I'm Stevertus, and today I have a command that adds Worldedit brushes in Minecraft Vanilla Singleplayer for versions 1.9 and 1.10.

What are Brushes?

Brushes are tools, with that you are allowed to make shapes on a longer distance as //sphere or //cuboid. This is very helpful to create Landscapes and structures.

And I tried to build this with only one command. You can change the Blocks, can decide between cube or sphere and set different sizes.

How to Install?

This is all in my Youtube Video, but here also a quick tutorial how to use:

First give yourself a command block then copy the command from the downloadlink.

And paste it with Ctr+V or Strg+V in the commandblock, push the button "Always Active" and a structure generates.

Now the machine is installed.

What can I do with the Command?

To use the tool throw one diamond axe on 10 redstone.

The tool is with a 1x1 stone cube equiped. Just throw one of this blocks on the tool to change: Stone, Dirt, Grass, Cobblestone or Planks and a bucket for air

How can I change the Size and Shape?

To change the size of the cube throw 3 bricks for a 3x3 cube, 5 for a 5x5 cube and finally 7 for a 7x7 cube.

You wanna have a sphere?

No problem. You have to throw the tool on a magma cream and you get a sphere with diameter 1. It´s the same as with the bricks throw more to get a bigger diameter.

The End

So this is all what the command can, I hope it would be very helpful in 1.10 for building so long there is no Worldedit out. When you like my Creation give a like and subscribe me on youtube, when you don´t wanna miss one creation.

It was much work and I really want to help you to build.

So with this I say bye and see you soon!!



2016-07-05 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Stevertus
(131 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.10
File Size: 23 KB
Date Added: 2016-07-05
Downloads: 4,444
Map Category: Custom Commands

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