Hello! This is my second map. And today i will troll you. But wait i have one question for you - DO YOU LIKE TROLLFACE???
Yeah I too. But I recommend that you keep your nervous system. OK? Thanks! This map don't HARD, but very TROLLED!
You spawn in white cube with TROLL TROLL TROLL PARKOUR. Good luck and enjoy!
- Gamemode 2
- Peaceful
- Don't use gamemode 1 (You can't!)
- NO RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- NO break blocks!
- This map is Medium!
- Map have russian language!
- Map maker from Ukraine!
- Map for (Pro+) Players!
- This map DON'T working in Minecraft 1.13+ !!! (Because in MC 1.13+ Mojang changed and added most commands. Sorry)

2019-06-01 - Map Released.