Not working? Click here to download the map on CurseForge.
A custom adventure map for Minecraft, made entirely in vanilla survival. No mods, no tools, no creative mode, no commands.
Playtime estimate: 2 - 3 hours
IMPORTANT NOTE: This map is played in SURVIVAL mode and does not make use of commands to keep you safe.
If you are concerned with the difficulty, please feel free to use Minecraft's built-in functions to... 1. Open to LAN, and turn on Cheats (or edit the level.dat to enable cheats) 2. type "/gamerule keepInventory true" (if you want to not lose your inventory 3. type "/spawnpoint" (any time you want to set a checkpoint) 4. type "/weather clear" (any time you want to turn off snow
This map was created as part of the third Vanilla challenge.
- Quality of life improvements.
- rsmalec
- ABrightmoore
- Bongotezz
- Creator868
- ColdFusionGaming
- cpm4001
- Faume
- Fellonius
- Feylina
- GhostVortex
- GrannyGamer1
- jGazMom
- Jigarbov
- QMagnet
- UnlikelyWaffle

2017-06-25 - Map Released.