Stranded in an empty void, with only a few islands, which, coincidentally, have everything you need to survive. Trade with the villagers, complete quests, make up your own challenges, maybe even reach the teleporter to the Admin island. Build your own floating empire! The only limit is your imagin- no, I can't say it. That's what it says on the Minecraft website. That's copyright.
- Play on easy
- Render distance should be 12 or less
- This one is important: HAVE FUN!!!
- 2 Easter eggs. Can you find them?
- More trading areas
- More quests
- More dirt ;)
- Hey look! Some of the villagers are named after Harry Potter characters!
WARNING: Okay, look. I know some items say "Sergun25". That is because I changed my name to Sergun_303 some time before I actually made this post. :D

2017-05-23 - Map Released.