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Uniquely Parkour

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Welcome to Uniquely Parkour! Each level is unique, and has it's own type of parkour to complete! Want a speed boost? Stand on blue clay! Want to jump higher? Step on green clay! Purple glass will teleport you up, and beware: Coarse dirt will blind you, and green shulker boxes will poison you! Get jumping now!

Uniquely Parkour has 25 UNIQUE levels, and a bonus stage for the really daring! Certain blocks will effect you in different ways, as to make the parkour more interesting, but be aware!

This is my FIRST EVER map, so yay!


25 Levels (in order) and a bonus stage!

Rules and Requirements

  • Adventure mode ONLY, you will spawn on a pressure plate that changes it anyway, so don't fear!
  • /playsound command, headphones will make the experience better!
  • Don't break or place blocks, as if they're there, they're meant to be there, and STAY there. As for placing blocks, you shouldn't have to, because all the jumps are possible
  • Not multiplayer compatible, (untested, may be possible to play with friends without breaking commands)
  • If the commands for some reason break, make sure you're using Minecraft 1.11 or 1.11.2, and haven't broken any command blocks!
  • *Please note on the rare occasion that you die, you will restart at the spawn area, and you may cheat (use creative mode to skip the levels to where you were) in order to get back to the level you were in.



2017-02-12 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Luke20055
(306 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.11.2
File Size: 23 MB
Date Added: 2017-02-12
Downloads: 7,473
Map Category: Parkour Maps

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