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Mineral Parkour

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Map Info:
Mineral Parkour is a simple, vanilla parkour map. Levels are split into 3 stages and based on game's minerals - Iron, Gold and Diamond to be precise. Each stage is kinda different, though. Iron Stage simply requires the player to get to the next room, Gold Stage is all about climbing, and in Diamond Stage player has to descend safely.

During the play, player can collect the total of 5 trophies. Gameplay time is estimated for at least one hour, but it can depend on one's parkour abilities.

Rules are already set in the world file. Basically: Adventure mode (/gamemode 2), Peaceful difficulty (/difficulty 0), don't cheat and don't change anything on the map. Also, I'd recommend to turn Clouds off. Command blocks must be enabled on the server for the map to work.

As for the player limit, there is not any. I'd say the more, the better. However, the rewards are "only" quadrupled, but they're not needed to progress. One more thing: this map was created on version 1.8.9, and is not guaranteed to work under other versions.

Feel free to share your opinion about the map! If it's high priority, hit me up at [email protected]. If you're such an awesome person and would like to record and upload the gameplay, it would be great. It would be even better if you put a link to this page in a video description, so it spreads to more people!

Quick install guide (Windows): Click Start -> Search and open "run.exe" -> Type in "%appdata%" and press Enter -> Open ".minecraft" -> Copy the extracted folder "Mineral Parkour" into "saves" folder -> Done.

Thank you to my friends Blacku, dzejki and Sillden for their help with testing the map. It would be a really boring task without them! Also, thank you to everyone downloading!


2016-02-06 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Nyitz
(180 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.8.9
File Size: 758 KB
Date Added: 2016-02-06
Downloads: 7,848
Map Category: Parkour Maps

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