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The Achievement Victory!

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Map Info:
The Achievement Victory speaks for itself because it represents a map about achievements that tests all your minecraft skills. From making a pickaxe to killing the Wither Boss there are quite a few steps so stay smart and you will succeed!!! I am sure that everyone could beat this map but you can be the first one!!!

Remember there are 36 achievements in the PC version and I tested every level and there is nothing that could possibly go wrong...

No special requirements for the map other than downloading :)

I have hidden throughout the map 6 secrets but beware of losing them! Rememer to store them in chests or other places.

There are the following:


Estimated play time: 10-30 minutes. Trying to find the secrets and I hope you enjoy it! Have a nice day!

==The author of the map==

Mr. M.R.

Made by master_c alias Razvan

Update v1.2:

  • Removed the infinite shears lag and the repetitive teleportations!!!
  • New secrets.
  • No outdoor sights.
  • Covered the end section so the player cannot escape.
  • A roof.
  • Removed the minecart run (when I teleported the minecart it would go on the rails and do the achievement for the player that cannot obtain the secret).
  • The oak planks aren't renamed to be stackable.
  • No more escaping from the puzzle!
  • Some decorative changes...

Update v1.1:
I finally removed all lag caused by some comparators that were working and some fireballs that never despawned. It should be very smooth even if you don't have Optifine.


2016-02-06 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Master_c
(101 votes)
Map Version: v1.2
Minecraft Version: 1.8.8
File Size: 8.99 MB
Date Added: 2016-02-06
Downloads: 12,403
Map Category: Puzzle Maps

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