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The Color Effect

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Map Info:
This map is created by me, Anthony. It's not too long, but its 7 stages. It all really depends on how fast you are, the faster you are the shorter time it takes to complete the map. Don't rush though, there beautiful stuff to see. This map took 2-3 days to complete, but it is a wonderfully made map, in my option. For more information, check below! (:

Map Overview:
Welcome, my name is Anthony or Everything23. I've created many maps in my life, but nothing half-past this map. It may not seem a lot, it really isn't but I love it because it took me 2-3 days to make, and I actually had a good time making it.

There are 7 stages in total, no bonus. However, I've decided to make a part 2 to this map in the future, check on my channel for details on when it will be released. This map has amazing redstone mechanics, not like Hypixel, but something.

This map is multiplayer compatible, and can handle up to 4-8 players. However, if you want to re-play the map again, you have to re-download the map, but if you saved the zip file, just extract it again, and bring it to the Minecraft saves folder.

I can't stress this enough, but please don't play this map on any other version, It seriously won't work.

The stages of the map are pretty cool, they are not hard in any shape or form. One or two jumps could get tricky now and then but the overall status of the map is easy. That's pretty much all too it, but make sure to have a good time, and don't rage. Thank you!

Here are three of my rules, there are more when you play the map. These rules are not that bad, there's just simple things I ask of you to enhance you're experience whilst playing the map.

1) No Cheating.
2) No Racist or Vulgar words in the chat.
3) If you are playing this map for you're YouTube Channel, all I ask is if you could leave a link to the map. Thank You!

Hall of Fame:
Just some of the people on my hall of fame are PrestonPlayzMc, LogDotZip, SSundee, Vikkstar123 and Captain Sparklez.

Contact Information:
Email: [email protected]


2015-12-20 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Everything23
(9 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.8.9
File Size: 401 KB
Date Added: 2015-12-20
Downloads: 6,020
Map Category: Parkour Maps

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