The Squid Aquarium

Map Info: You use a bunch of items traded from villagers and hidden all over the place to teleport, climb and swim through each level. This isn't too hard. Well, atleast I don't think it is. There are secret areas that tell the story of the Sheep Factory, which I added for your convenience. I have gotten many comments about my other map "The Sheep Factory" saying that they find the story irrelavant and they don't understand it. This map reveals some of the things that are happening. The map should be a quick 30min-1 hour map. Should be. By the way, you were supposed to start out in peaceful, but not sure what happened, but do start out in peaceful. WARNING:Do not go in creative mode. It will kill you within one second. There are some times where you have to mine blocks and it takes FOREVER. Do not rage, simply do it, or use a /fill command. Also, I'm pretty sure all the squids despawned, so it really isn't a squid aquarium. :[ Â Sometimes the villagers will disappear, so I'm not sure what to do when that happens. Have fun! Don't rage! And enjoy!!
2015-09-06 - Map Released. |
Map Creator: | PiCookie |
Rating: | |
Map Version: | v1.0 |
Minecraft Version: | 1.8 |
File Size: | 470 KB |
Date Added: | 2015-09-06 |
Downloads: | 2,990 |
Map Category: | Puzzle Maps |