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SuperCubes Survival

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SuperCubes Survival

Achievements that grant you end portal blocks:

1. Craft an ultimate golden apple (Hint: There are 8 golden blocks hidden around the map.)

2. Craft an emerald block (Hint: trade with villagers).

3. Find a skeleton head.

4. Craft an eye of ender.

5. Craft a brewing stand.

6. Find the zombie spawn egg.

7. Craft a jukebox.

8. Craft an enchanting table.

Extra achievements (Optional):

1. Fully excavate all of the cubes.

2. Kill the EnderDragon.


1. Play on hard or normal mode.

2. Don't cheat any item in unless you absolutely have to.

Keys to success:

1. Upload to YouTube if you want! Please tell us if you do!

2. If uploading to YouTube please include credit in the description and a link to the download page, and not the mediafire one.

3. Playing with friends makes things more fun!

4. Report anything wrong with the map in the comments.


v1.1 - Added more cubes, edited some cubes, fixed the sun and moon not moving.

v1.0 - Map created


2015-06-19 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: ChipSquad
(143 votes)
Map Version: v1.1
Minecraft Version: 1.8
File Size: 3 MB
Date Added: 2015-06-19
Downloads: 72,773
Map Category: Survival Maps

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Site Stats

Maps: 5,938

Categories: 25

Downloads: 122,927,856