SuperCubes Survival

Important: This map uses an link for the download. Just wait 5 seconds and click "Skip Ad" in the top-right corner to proceed to the map's download page. By using this link, you will directly support the map creator. SuperCubes SurvivalAchievements that grant you end portal blocks:1. Craft an ultimate golden apple (Hint: There are 8 golden blocks hidden around the map.) 2. Craft an emerald block (Hint: trade with villagers). 3. Find a skeleton head. 4. Craft an eye of ender. 5. Craft a brewing stand. 6. Find the zombie spawn egg. 7. Craft a jukebox. 8. Craft an enchanting table. Extra achievements (Optional):1. Fully excavate all of the cubes. 2. Kill the EnderDragon. Rules:1. Play on hard or normal mode. 2. Don't cheat any item in unless you absolutely have to. Keys to success:1. Upload to YouTube if you want! Please tell us if you do! 2. If uploading to YouTube please include credit in the description and a link to the download page, and not the mediafire one. 3. Playing with friends makes things more fun! 4. Report anything wrong with the map in the comments. Changelog:v1.1 - Added more cubes, edited some cubes, fixed the sun and moon not moving. v1.0 - Map created
2015-06-19 - Map Released. |
Map Creator: | ChipSquad |
Rating: | |
Map Version: | v1.1 |
Minecraft Version: | 1.8 |
File Size: | 3 MB |
Date Added: | 2015-06-19 |
Downloads: | 72,773 |
Map Category: | Survival Maps |