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Maps: Page 393 of 396

Statue House

A statue with a fully liveable space inside!

Creator: Notch__ MC Version: 1.19.3
Date Added: 2023-01-07 Downloads: 1,017
(8 votes)
File Size: 3 MB


Placour is a parkour map that is based around the idea of finding specific blocks and using them to build your way to the next set of parkour. The more blocks you have, the further you can get in the map. Gather all 30 blocks in order to make it to the end.

Creator: MeteorFreak MC Version: 1.10.2
Date Added: 2016-07-10 Downloads: 1,003
(31 votes)
File Size: 380 KB

Flower Pot Battle

You are a flower and you need to be planted in the pot! Do everything to reach your goal and everything to stop other flowers!

Creator: Kragast MC Version: 1.13.2
Date Added: 2019-02-18 Downloads: 1,000
(34 votes)
File Size: 464 KB

Tranquil Fields

A shory map using Sethbling's moving blocks datapack for some simplistic style puzzles.

Creator: Henzoid external MC Version: 1.15
Date Added: 2019-09-24 Downloads: 994
(22 votes)
File Size: 14.3 MB


Use the WASD keys to control a square, and turn all the tiles on. When you walk onto a tile, you toggle it, so if it's on and you step on it, it will turn off, and vise versa.

Creator: Hanmin Kim MC Version: 1.12
Date Added: 2016-09-30 Downloads: 993
(34 votes)
File Size: 1.2 MB


Walk in the darkness using only te sound (with the sound waves) to know where to walk. 10 EPIC levels.

Creator: ZicGamer Pro MC Version: 1.12.2
Date Added: 2018-02-20 Downloads: 993
(27 votes)
File Size: 411 KB

Disorienting Halls

A collection of seven mazes, one for each of the seven people who completed Warped Trails legitimately!

Creator: DeuxiemeCarlin MC Version: 1.16.4
Date Added: 2021-03-24 Downloads: 992
(11 votes)
File Size: 1.58 MB

Nervous Parkour

Can you parkour through 6 hard parkour levels?

Creator: AidanFun MC Version: 1.10.2
Date Added: 2016-07-10 Downloads: 988
(14 votes)
File Size: 364 KB


Through, a simple map of 3 blocks jump parkour. But don't be fooled! This map doesn't test how fast are you at parkouring, but it's all about precision.

Creator: Galovent MC Version: 1.12.2
Date Added: 2018-03-17 Downloads: 980
(45 votes)
File Size: 549 KB

An Amazing Journey 3: Endergame

Final entry in the Amazing Journey trilogy with 7+ mazes!

Creator: TheZaius MC Version: 1.15.2
Date Added: 2021-01-31 Downloads: 979
(19 votes)
File Size: 173.8 MB

2D Capture The Flag

Capture The Flag inside a 2-Dimensional playing space. Steal the other team's flag, run back to your team's side without getting killed, and win the game.

Creator: Jerries MC Version: 1.20.4
Date Added: 2024-01-30 Downloads: 977
(5 votes)
File Size: 1.8 MB

Void Rage

No checkpoints. Possible jumps that look impossible. A 5-block jump. Can you defeat the Void Rage?

Creator: TheRandomly MC Version: 1.12
Date Added: 2018-03-24 Downloads: 976
(58 votes)
File Size: 345 KB


You are a miner you were working in the mines looking for Iron & gold for your city. As you were mining some regular coal you slipped and fell into some very icy cold water.

Creator: Omegacannon MC Version: 1.12.2
Date Added: 2018-03-21 Downloads: 970
(23 votes)
File Size: 1 MB


Windmill is a fun 2-player board game based on the real board game called, in fact, Windmill!

Creator: Vertex Creations MC Version: 1.13.2
Date Added: 2019-02-16 Downloads: 970
(42 votes)
File Size: 3.8 MB


Puzzled is a MineCraft map with 3 different challenges inside. Riddles, Parkour, and Trivia.

Creator: fumbled MC Version: 1.12.2
Date Added: 2018-03-24 Downloads: 966
(21 votes)
File Size: 581 KB
Maps: Page 393 of 396

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