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Minecraft Horror Maps

Horror maps are not for the faint of heart. They usually focus on an eerie story and contain many jump scares.

Subgenre: Halloween | Versions: 1.19 | 1.18 | 1.17 | 1.16


Black End

Main person name is John and he has villager friend who entered Black Room! Your mission is to find him and rescue from some scary things!

Creator: Nukacho MC Version: 1.12.2
Date Added: 2019-07-26 Downloads: 7,010
(137 votes)
File Size: 330 KB

Bloody Emeralds

Bloody Emeralds is a very short horror map that takes place in a jungle after your emeralds were stolen.

Creator: Gustav Kolibri MC Version: 1.14.3
Date Added: 2019-07-19 Downloads: 4,766
(75 votes)
File Size: 17.4 MB


A tale about a haunted village becomes the talk of the town. You, Jason Bautista, decides to prove that it's just another myth. 

Creator: Skimantor MC Version: 1.14
Date Added: 2019-07-14 Downloads: 23,220
(378 votes)
File Size: 38.2 MB


Alone is a very short horror map that takes place in a forest after car breaks down.

Creator: Diamondminer1YT MC Version: 1.14.3
Date Added: 2019-07-11 Downloads: 7,355
(119 votes)
File Size: 15. MB

SCP: Blocktainment Breach

Recreation of Containment Breach in Minecraft.

Creator: Patkal and ___fizz___ MC Version: 1.12.2
Date Added: 2019-07-08 Downloads: 67,040
(466 votes)
File Size: 95.7 MB

The Smiling Prince

The Smiling Prince is a very short, disturbing, horror/walking simulator. 

Creator: DiamondZoyd MC Version: 1.14.3
Date Added: 2019-07-06 Downloads: 6,537
(115 votes)
File Size: 17.7 MB

Abandoned City

It's 7 years now since Wedsington has been abandoned after a tornado hit this place. Now you are really exited to explore this cool city! Haha, what mutants?..

Creator: Stijn Renders MC Version: 1.14.3
Date Added: 2019-07-04 Downloads: 31,082
(163 votes)
File Size: 2.6 MB


Your name: Jonas Rivera, 19. You wake up in a huge abandoned facility. You do not remember last night, and your only thoughts are: Get out.

Creator: Skimantor MC Version: 1.14
Date Added: 2019-06-22 Downloads: 32,434
(319 votes)
File Size: 52.53 MB

Nightmare on Weeping Street

It was night. You were in coma after visiting hospital. You wake up in weeping street, and try to investigate what's going on and why this has happened to you...

Creator: SeriousCraft MC Version: 1.12.2
Date Added: 2019-06-15 Downloads: 19,604
(188 votes)
File Size: 126 MB

The Lost Temple

This is the story of a boy of going to his school hall but he fell asleep.

Creator: OkayPy MC Version: 1.14.2
Date Added: 2019-06-12 Downloads: 6,001
(121 votes)
File Size: 120 MB

Rusty Metal

From the developer of the critically acclaimed map, ''The Darkest Hour'' comes an even more-so immersive and gripping story and horror map.

Creator: Samueliscool223 MC Version: 1.14.2
Date Added: 2019-06-08 Downloads: 8,721
(106 votes)
File Size: 176.4 MB

Abandoned Hospital

This hospital is abandoned for 27 years now after a disease horrifying stroke. You can't wait to explore the entire building! It's your job to explore as much as possible!

Creator: Stijn Renders MC Version: 1.14
Date Added: 2019-06-01 Downloads: 10,975
(105 votes)
File Size: 6.7 MB


You are a reporter sent to investigate Mount Massive Asylum after receiving a document. As you move through its lonely corridors you can't help but wonder what experiments were performed in this building, what monstrosities it hides and most importantly, what will come next.

Creator: panR4IN MC Version: 1.8.9
Date Added: 2019-05-25 Downloads: 56,212
(489 votes)
File Size: 81.5 MB

System Shock 2

As you make your way through the corridors of the Von Braun, you realise what mess you are now part of and how you probably won't get to escape. Suddenly, you hear a few slow, mechanical steps. You realise it's once again time to start fighting.

Creator: panR4IN MC Version: 1.13.2
Date Added: 2019-05-18 Downloads: 6,287
(61 votes)
File Size: 302 MB

Midnight Madness

The clock strikes midnight, and all is quiet throughout your house. You will have to find out what is happening and where everyone went...

Creator: Cloud_Wolf external MC Version: 1.14.1
Date Added: 2019-05-16 Downloads: 26,797
(210 votes)
File Size: 5.2 MB
Maps: Page 13 of 23

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Maps: 5,938

Categories: 25

Downloads: 122,927,344