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Maps: Page 195 of 395

Uninhabitable Zone

This map is Semi-Impossible parkour map. All jumps in this map are EXTREMELY difficult, yet still possible.

Creator: Ziten MC Version: 1.19.2
Date Added: 2023-01-19 Downloads: 8,448
(20 votes)
File Size: 2 MB

Can the Blocks Disappear?

This is a short but fun and original parkour map.

Creator: Pol MC Version: 1.8
Date Added: 2015-07-23 Downloads: 8,446
(6 votes)
File Size: 484 KB


After a player decided to open a server, everything seemed to be going really well. However, a couple of events would eventually lead to its downfall, in a very peculiar way...

Creator: Crazled MC Version: 1.17.1
Date Added: 2022-09-29 Downloads: 8,443
(43 votes)
File Size: 168.6 MB

S.I. Files 2A: Curtain Call

It was supposed to be a relaxing night at the theatre. Opening night for long awaited 'Gem of the Lost Isle' the curtain rises...only to reveal an empty stage.

Creator: CompSciGirl523 external MC Version: 1.12
Date Added: 2017-07-14 Downloads: 8,441
(221 votes)
File Size: 9.33 MB

Skybounds Parkour

Insanely difficult parkour map built with islands themed off 8 of the beta Skybounds Islands.

Creator: DJHitchcock MC Version: 1.12.2
Date Added: 2019-03-03 Downloads: 8,440
(165 votes)
File Size: 1 MB


This map brings you an amazing mix of unique chambers with lots games and puzzles to solve! PLAY TIME 5+ HOURS

Creator: Niley (Anton Feirer) MC Version: 1.8
Date Added: 2023-05-05 Downloads: 8,439
(52 votes)
File Size: 16.8 MB


When you're in the sky and have nothing to do, why not play this awesome parkour map made by AdamPlaysMC!

Creator: AdamPlaysMC MC Version: 1.8
Date Added: 2016-02-25 Downloads: 8,439
(146 votes)
File Size: 263.07 KB

The Abandoned Temple Mystery

There is an abandoned temple in the middle of the nowhere and you have to find three friends, who have mysteriously disappeared.

Creator: Diamond MC Version: 1.16.5
Date Added: 2021-06-26 Downloads: 8,417
(97 votes)
File Size: 13.8 MB

Helix Parkour

Parkour Helix is a map on which you will see a lot of new blocks and furniture. The goal is to climb up.

Creator: ___Artem__ MC Version: 1.19.3
Date Added: 2023-02-25 Downloads: 8,417
(32 votes)
File Size: 8 MB


 It's bad when you have nightmares, you need to fight them with your brain, try it.



Creator: Foodblex MC Version: 1.17.1
Date Added: 2021-11-26 Downloads: 8,416
(157 votes)
File Size: 3.9 MB

The Rift

The Rift is a puzzling parkour map for those who want a challenge. Consisting of exclusively stone blocks, stairs and slabs, the difficulty of the map comes both from deciphering and executing the jumps.

Creator: bogbean MC Version: 1.16.5
Date Added: 2021-06-10 Downloads: 8,411
(117 votes)
File Size: 4.1 MB

Unfair Skyblock

Hello! This is my brand new unfair map! Can you finish it? Try!

Creator: reftupine MC Version: 1.13.2
Date Added: 2019-02-05 Downloads: 8,394
(78 votes)
File Size: 6.8 MB

Unexpected Past

Becoming a parent changes your life, but the unexpected can collapse your beliefs... Unexpected Past is a story heavy map, featuring custom models, an immersive dialogue system and animated characters.

Creator: PmkExpert external MC Version: 1.15.2
Date Added: 2020-04-04 Downloads: 8,394
(195 votes)
File Size: 7.2 MB

Lost Embers

Lost Embers features an ever-burning landscape that will do anything in its power to keep its treasures out of your reach. Will you have the strength, tactics, and perseverance to overcome the ever-growing challenge?

Creator: Cake MC Version: 1.19.3
Date Added: 2022-11-02 Downloads: 8,390
(67 votes)
File Size: 90.3 MB

Armor Stand Parkour

This nontraditional parkour map requires you to bring an armor stand with you throughout each level. 

Creator: Mickae, ZebraPantz MC Version: 1.14.4
Date Added: 2019-11-10 Downloads: 8,388
(294 votes)
File Size: 10.1 MB
Maps: Page 195 of 395

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